Building a brand that scales as fast as transactions on the blockchain

Bitoken - Branding the hyper scalable blockchain


Bitoken is the hyper scalable blockchain. Its unique architecture can handle millions of transactions per second with extremely short settlement times. We were tasked with building a brand identity for Bitoken that would help it stand out prominently in the market.

Our approach

  • Clarity - Entering the competitive space, we wanted to make sure that the brand messaging would come through without unnecessary obstacles.
  • Visual storytelling - We leveraged visual elements to help the brand communicate with its audience.
  • Scale - Through high contrast graphics and typography , we set out to communicate the sense of scale key to the brand identity

Solution highlights

Working with the Bitoken team, we created a dynamic brand system that would easily grow with the brand. Starting with the logomark, the Bitoken identity featured focused and streamlined visuals removing unnecessary elements that could become distractions.

Versatile expression

Working with the Bitoken team, we created a dynamic brand system that would easily grow with the brand. Starting with the logomark, the Bitoken identity featured focused and streamlined visuals removing unnecessary elements that could become distractions.

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