Inclusive experiences matter

Tylr - An AI-powered tool to make written digital content accessible for more

The challenge

Digital content publishers are continually seeking tools to make their content more inclusive and accessible to a diverse audience. In a crowded market, TYLR sought to introduce a unique AI-powered text-to-speech player that not only enhanced the user experience but also seamlessly integrated into the publisher's platforms. The primary challenge was to create a website that effectively communicated this differentiation and showcased the tool's advanced capabilities and benefits to publishers and potential end-users.

Our approach

  • Streamlined design for easy engagement– To have the overall web experience reflect the product’s ease of use, we set out to leverage clear visuals and streamlined interactions.
  • Product experience first – In order to help visitors understand the capabilities of TYLR, we thought it would be helpful to embed the product directly into different pages of the web experience.
  • Storytelling through visual design– Leveraging visual and interactive elements inspired by editorial design to help communicate sometimes abstract ideas

The outcome

A comprehensive brand experience that goes beyond visual appeals. The robust identity helped communicate the value of TYLR, we designed a dynamic identity system featuring responsive logo marks with visual elements optimized for visual communication, legibility, and clarity for all.

Inclusivity for all - With insights from heuristic evaluation and usability studies, we set out to streamline the interactions and accessibility of the product through thoughtful visual upgrades. We've also included a version suitable for dark backgrounds or when the viewing device is in the Dark Mode, making the product experience more in tune with digital content as well as user preferences.

An engaging experience - With live product demos on key pages, we created a brand web experience that not only tells the brand story but also invites viewers to experience the product firsthand. From exploration to signing up, the web experience emphasizes TYLR's ease of use for digital content publishers.

Next Case Study - SwingCash